
Wednesday 16 October 2013

I Want To Live My Life With Dignity.

I wish to thank all the people who back-stabbed me

 and gossiped about me because maybe you 

didn’t realize but you were my wake up call to a new life. 

I wish to thank all the close minded people

 who completely misunderstood my unique

 personality because you all unknowingly

 helped me to become more determined to

 maintain my uniqueness. Finally I wish to say

 goodbye to all those friends who turned out to be fake.

 I am stronger because no matter how much

 mess you put me through, you have unknowingly 

helped me out. It was because of you all that

 I finally realized that there comes a time in life

 when you have to stop putting the reins of your 

happiness into the hands of others. 

Thank you all because you helped me to

 choose to live my life with respect and dignity…

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